Wednesday 23 January 2013

the formation of oil gas and coal

in this post i will be explaining about gas oil and coal and how they are formed.

definition or a nonrenewable energy and why is it non renewable

Non renewable is an energy that cannot be made for over a hundred thousand years and by then the human species may be wiped out, so by the time the materials are produced it would be too late for it to be made into an energy force.

how gas and oil is formed

oil is made by sea creatures and plants dying out and being crushed under the sea over millions of years.
the role of animals in this is that its their waste products that is turned int oil
 gas is formed by oil being melted down and being vaporised.

how is coal made

coal is formed by dead plants and debris being broken down over a long time and is pressed under rock and minerals as the vegetation dries up it turns into peat then coal.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers i find this very useful even though i havnt read it.
